Our Vision And mission

Georgia Conflict Center strives to foster a just and equitable community, where all can prosper and thrive, in Athens and beyond. Our mission is to build peace with justice by advancing restorative practices within communities, schools, and institutions.

Core Values

We view conflict as a natural part of life and an opportunity for growth and new understanding.

We believe peacebuilding is based in justice.

We are committed to self care and collective care - supporting each other toward improving and sustaining mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.

We work collaboratively to help create an
equitable, just, and restorative community.

We are committed to anti-racism and to working together to dismantle practices and systems of racism and white supremacy.
We practice good stewardship and accountability.

We treat everyone with respect.

We are committed to serving community members, regardless of ability to pay.

Principles that Define our Work

Relationships and systems which recognize, honor and promote human dignity and the conditions for all to heal, thrive and prosper.

Acknowledges historical cycles of oppression and marginalization, and seeks to ensure all have what they need in order to thrive and prosper.

Restorative Practices  
A movement oriented by a set of guiding principles that prioritize building community and connection, democratic participation, and responding to harm in ways that embrace relationships, inclusiveness, support and accountability.

"Restorative Justice is not a simple solution--it is hard work and it is not a quick fix, but it is compelling because as you are doing it, you realize that it is the exact work that we should be doing...should always have been doing."