What a Night! Recapping Our 2023 Spring Community Concert & Fundraiser

May 9, 2023

We had an absolute BLAST on Thursday, April 27th at our Spring Community Concert & Fundraiser spotlighting Joy Village School. Despite the chilly, rainy weather we had dozens of folks come out to Terrapin to support GCC and enjoy great beer and delicious food from Homy's Kitchen. The kids of Joy Village Choir captivated the entire venue, the Athens Mountain Singers harmonized beautifully, and Ishues ended the night with a high-energy and engaging performance. We also had Sofía Delgado from the Western Circuit DA's Office speak as well as two members of the Clarke County Middle School's Peace Leaders, who encourage fellow students to participate in restorative circles to resolve conflict.

We are incredibly grateful to these performers for donating their time and talent for this event and are looking forward to seeing them all perform in the future. Here are some of our favorite photos from the event and you can find the full album by clicking here. If you didn't get a chance to join us, we hope that we see you at the next Community Concert & Fundraiser in 2024!

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